Authorized E-waste Buyers and Recyclers
When selling e-waste to a buyer, it's important to ensure that the buyer is reputable and follows environmental and data security regulations. Look for e-waste buyers who are authorised by pollution control of India like Spas Computers and certified by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 45001 and ISO 20000-1, and who follow best practices for data destruction and disposal. Spas Computers is an e-waste buyer company that purchases electronic waste (e-waste) from individuals, businesses, or organizations. Our primary goal is to recycle or refurbish the e-waste to recover valuable materials or components, reduce environmental impact, and promote sustainability. We buy several types of e-waste for different types recovery, including: For Electronic recycling: We specialize in the collection, processing, and recycling of e-waste. They can handle large volumes of e-waste and typically offer…