E-waste Recycling Policy


This E-waste Recycling policy applies to all the business in India


  • E-waste :
    E-waste means waste electrical and electronic equipment whole or in parts or in rejects from their manufacturing and repair processes, which are intended to be discarded.
  • E-waste Rules applicability :
    E-waste Management and Handling rules 2011 which have become law and applicable to the state of India from 01st May 2012.

‘Schedule- I’ items :

  • IT & ITes items:
    Mainframes, Minicomputers, Personal Computers, Laptops, Notebooks, Notepads, Printers including Cartridges, computers, Laptops, Notebooks, Notepads, Printers Copiers, E/E typewriters, User terminals and Systems, Facsimile, Fax, Telex, Telephones, Cordless, Cellular, Answering systems.
  • Consumer Electrical and Electronics :
    All TV, Refrigerators Washing machines, Air conditioners excluding central Air Conditioning plants.

Bulk Consumer :
Bulk users of electrical and electronic Equipment such as among others private companies registered Under Factories Act 1948 and Companies Act,1956.

  • Collection center means :
    A center established individually or jointly or a registered society or a company or an association, to collect e-Waste.
  • Consumer means:
    Any person using electrical or electronic equipment excluding bulk consumers.
  • Electrical or Electronic equipment means:
    Equipment which is dependant on electrical current or electromagnetic fields to be fully functional.
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) :
    Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) means responsibility of any producer of electrical and electronic equipment of their products beyond manufacturing until environmentally sound management of their end of life products
  • Historical e-waste means:
    Waste generated from electrical and electronic equipment as specified in Schedule I, which was available on the date when these rules came in force (1st May 2012).
  • Producer means :
    Any person who irrespective of selling technique used;
    1. Manufactures and sells EE (Electrical & Electronic ) equipment under his own brand or and sells assembled EE equipment of other manufacturers.
    2. Offers to sell imported electrical and electronic equipment .

E-waste Policy Principles :

  1. Electronics & Electrical products and their parts shall be deemed to have reached their end of life and can be discarded by the owner (consumer) or the Service In charge for a region or a Factory Manager of a factory or the Administration Manager responsible for establishments. An item of equipment once permanently discarded by the user or the authorities mentioned above shall be deemed as e-waste, regardless whether it is operational or non-operational.
  2. There are four key principles regarding the disposal of E-waste :
  • Protection of the Environment
  • Social responsibility
  • Disposal
  • Data Protection

Protection of the Environment :

  • Wherever possible, functional Computers should be redeployed to identified users with or without up gradation.
  • Sold or/and donated equipment should be necessarily disposed off through the Spas Computers. We are engaged for the purpose of collection, segregation, transportation, dismantling, recycling and disposal of e-waste as per guidelines of the Central Pollution Control Board.
  • Only designated areas shall be used for identifying and keeping these materials in the Factories, Office establishments, Service centers and Warehouses. No mixing of such materials shall be allowed with general scrap or household wastes from the premises.

Social Responsibility :

Spas Computers shall make all reasonable efforts to track the products sold or donated by it till their final destination. Products sold to consumers shall be insisted upon to record the objective usage of product and guaranteeing the end of life disposal procedures.

Disposal :

  1. The list of collection centers of the service provider have a pan India presence. List of Collection centers can be had by accessing the toll free number provided for the purpose by us.
  2. Authority for handing over such materials for disposal is vested with Managers of Spas Computers as below mentioned :
  • Factories- Respective Factory Managers
  • Spare parts and Service centre /Warehouses- Head of Logistics
  • Office establishments- All India Administration Head.
  • Projects sites – Head of Logistics.

Changes to Procurement Policies :

1. In an attempt to address sustainability issues during the procurement of products/equipments/parts of EE equipment additional criteria as stipulated by RoHS requirements or any other criteria modified by law shall be added to the supplier requirements in how they address the environmental requirements in relation to :

  • Toxics reduction
  • Design for End of life
  • Material Selection
  • Life cycle extension
  • Energy Conservation.

2. Spas Computers may insert conditions to include :

  • Labelling of the equipment/parts for recycling.
  • Energy consumption during in service life time.
  • Usable life expected out of a product.
  • Take back of products for recycling or disposal.

 Product Take back program under EPR by Spas Computers Pvt Ltd :

An aggressive product take back program applicable to all consumers is designed by Marketing to ensure spreading awareness amongst consumers on the benefits of environment friendly disposal of end of life products. The scheme shall be extended to similar like products of other brands also to ensure maximum number of such products are disposed off in an environment friendly manner.

User Education :

  • Give wide publicity to the e-waste policy using internal e- communication, Inhouse magazine, Spas Computers web portal etc.
  • Include Dealers, Channel partners and other stake holders in awareness building programs.
  • Insertion of related information in the product brochures on handling of e-Waste and not allow mix up with general waste. The crossed garbage wheelie bin image shall be used as a representative picture effectively.
  • Assign a toll-free number to guide potential users on service provider’s contact for collection of e-waste.
  • Use print media, advertisements, pamphlets etc. for awareness building to the general public